While trying to get the ATMEL 89C2051 programmer to work, I have encountered a problem with the processor power supply (+5V, pin 20 IO) switching. Since I didn't have the BC107 transistor, I used two KC 239's and I found the voltage on the pin 20 to be less than 4V (the older design using the 74573, according to EI, Dec 96). I tried to logically explain it in the following way (follow the original schematics): Assumption Ub(T1) = 5V (optimistic version) Since the transistor conducts at min. 0.6V, Ue(T1)=5-0.6=4.4V and Ucc(20)=Ue(T2)=Ue(T1)-0.6=3.8V max. Probably even a little less than that. Although the Atmel works from 2.7V, I did not know for sure if that's enough for programming too (it didn't work for me so I was looking for a bug). So, I modified the design to reduce the voltage drop to less than 0.1V (0.03V typically) - see the 'picture'. KF 517 +5 V o--------\ /------- pin 20 (Atmel) | V / | ___ ===== 91R 56 K --|___|--| ___ 2K2 |---|___|-\ | ____ \|---|____|--o Power='1' /| 12 (74574) KC 239 V | ^ | used to be 3 GND =|= I managed to put all of this onto the original board. Robert Svarc OK1FEN mail: svarc@student.fsid.cvut.cz